
Author Topic: 'guest'?  (Read 1476 times)

Offline §U}Death

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« on: September 04, 2009, 06:37:30 PM »
is it at all possible --must check with my clan aswell-- to sign up to bfm as say...a guest member?
same priveledges as though i was in clan, possibly same recruitment process but stay as a §§} member??  i wish for my clan to be §§ but i am commonly on your servers aswell; that is why im asking this.
[if you lot agree with this and my clan to, ill, if possible, work my way up to something we -for this threads purpose- calll a 'guest admin'??]
i stress: i wish to do this so as to be part of this group, but also representing the §partan §nipers
tx for your time  :evil:

Offline BFM_NavyJHk

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Re: 'guest'?
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2009, 09:55:46 PM »
Unfortunately, Lindog, we do not allow multi-clanning.  If you did wish to join BFM and go through the recruitment process, you would have to leave any other Halo clans that you're in.  That is your choice to leave another clan, and we wouldn't want to put you out from another community if you enjoyed it there.

In the past, we've realized it just doesn't work being in 2 halo clans at the same time, and it can create problems because of it.  We enjoy playing with other guests from other clans, however the dual-clanning can easily create a rift if there were ever any issues that came up between the clans. 

Ultimately, its your choice to make, and we would understand both ways... whichever decision you were to make  :)
Thank you Kākā§hė!

Offline §U}Death

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Re: 'guest'?
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2009, 08:34:57 PM »
i understadn your worries, but it is highly unlikely our clans would clash as they come from different spectrums of halo:
§§: sniper dream team mod clan, we use snipers that just happen to shoot tank bullets  :evil:
and bfm: i dotn think anyone esle from my clan has played your servers in recent times, and as you know, sniper rifles are a nono for you guys! lol
