
Author Topic: Star Wars RPG  (Read 2910 times)

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Star Wars RPG
« on: July 23, 2007, 11:47:46 AM »
{From Geek 7/23/07: Moved the Star Wars RPG to here}

Woot! Who loves Star Wars? I DO! I DO! lol well after thinking of what kind of RPG I wanna do, I came up with the good ol' Star Wars. You can begin anywhere in the Star Wars universe! You can also be any kind of race and either be on the light side.... or the dark side (insert Darth Vadar music here).

To start: Pick a planet and begin there. You can have a vast journey to go on through... Or just try to win bets at those pod-races! (hehehehe!)

To end the game: To end the game you can either die, live through your whole life, or something else. Your imagination isn't limited!

Name: Falen
Age: 31
Race: Nautolan
Gender: Female
Occupation: Jedi Knight/ Trainer of Jedi Padiwans
Starting Point: Tatooine

Falen sat in the bar, awaiting her waiter to bring her drink. She was a Jedi, seeking out a bandit who stole her money. She chased him in the bar, and now she was looking for him. With her cloak over her head, she was hard to determine.
The bandit briskly walked by her, but before he left Falen's sight, she sliced his arm off with her green light-saber.
"I told you to leave me alone, but you didn't. Now hand over the money," she demanded as the bandit was scared stiff. He gave her the small duffle of change and flew out.
Smiling, Falen turned around to see everyone staring at her.
"Bye!" she exclaimed while taking off.
It was late and she had to get back to the training facility. There must be at least one new Padiwan to train.
Tatooine didn't really have a lot of "nice" people to hang around with. Usually you found cheats, liars, and a lot of crooks on the deserty planet. The only reason Falen came here was to watch a pod-race that her cousin, Persek, was in. He lost though, his pod-racer sadly crashed into a cliff wall. Persek wasn't the greatest racer in her life time, but he was still her cousin...

^^ From Geek

Name: Root
Age: 120
Race: Anzati
Gender: Male
Occupation: Jedi slayer/ Dark side admiral
Starting Point: On the outskirts of the Galaxy, in a ship.

Root angrily paced back and forth as his crew messed with the controls. Hours earlier, the ship had been in an asteroid field, and the ship had been heavily damaged. So now the crew was trying to fix it, and the extremely frustrated admiral was ready to kill the next person who made a mistake.

"can't you do anything right?!" he yelled out at a small, weak slave child that they had picked up off some planet not far from their position.

"I don't know anything about ships, so back off!" the boy yelled.

Root pulled out his light saber and put it close to the boy. "I would be VERY silent if i were you." he said, and walked away.

^^ From Devin

Occupation:Jedi Padiwan
Yatu sat a the training facility, bored of sitting around, waiting for his first training. He asked around and found out that his trainer was not in at the time, though she should be back soon. he couldnt wait to meet her.

^^ From Ballistik

Falen finally found the training facility and went to the head trainer. He guided her to a room full of newbies and left her there with a picture of her padiwan. She glanced around and finally found him. She strode over to him and nodded to him.
"Time to start your training, let's go somewhere more quiet though," she said as she led him outside.

^^ From Geek

Yatu sat there as a women walked up to him and said that they were going to start there training and that they were going somewhere quieter first. Sweet Yatu thought to himself, I get to start training. She looks nice as least. I cant wait. "My name is Yatu, whats yours?"

^^ From Ballistik

"My name is Falen. I'm originally from the planet Corasont. I came here to see a pod-race that went down hill pretty fast. However, I got a notice that I was needed to help a padiwan. Which in this case, is you," she replied, walking briskly just out of town. She took out her light-saber and handed it to Yatu. Falen sat down and threw a training device to him.
"Us the saber to block the blasters that it shoots out at you," she told him.

^^ From Geek

Detail Atun Hut!

How are you're feet?

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Re: Star Wars RPG
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2007, 11:52:25 AM »
{From Geek: Moved second portion here}

Name: Leukos
Age: Undisclosed
Race: Mon Calamari
Gender: Male
Occupation: Smith (just about anything, weapons, intergalactic ships, buildings, armor...)
Starting Point: Coronet, Corellia (at his shop)

Leukos moves around impatiently, waiting for a reply from two potential customers, Falen and Root, regarding their orders, both odd, secretive deals. Falen, oddly, needed a replacement outer layer for her composite armor on her shoulder. Root, needed a specialty blaster, one disguised as a flower (sneaky) and also a lay low house built on Tatooine. But, Leukos is a business man and does what is needed, even if it's illegal to bring in a profit.

^^ From Bobob

"Ok, ill give it a try i guess..." Yatu threw the training blaster into the air and it began firing at him. He did ok, a few got by. "Any tips on how to do this better before i die, i think one might have singed my hair.

^^ From Ballistik

Falen shook her head as she got up. She took the device away from him as a part of his hair was burning.
"You might wanna get some water," she advised as she was walking onward to her small three person ship.
"We need to go to Coronet and then Corasont. So please follow me to the ship to begin your true journey to become a Jedi," she said.

^^ From Geek

"yea... Good idea" Yatu said pouring some water on his hair. "So what are we going to do there?" Yatu asked hurrying to catch up. Sweet, Im going to another PLANET! This is going to be awsome! Yatu thought to himself.

^^ From Bobob

"Well we're gonna get some extra... "things" at Coronet and then I'm going to present you at the Jedi Council in Corasont," she replied, hopping into the cock-pit of the ship and flipping on some switches.
"Also, don't think that this training is gonna be a piece of cake... Because it won't be. Being a Jedi is tough work, so you must be prepared for it," she said, pulling a lever which made the ship go off into space.

^^ From Geek

Wow! did she like read my mind or something, i hope i learn that! ahhh i cant wait to learn all this stuff! "Well nice to meet you, so first to Coronet, then Corasont, ok. I was just wondering, when will i get a light saber of my own?" Yatu asked...

^^ From Ballistik

"Light saber of your own... Well... Yes, but not until the Jedi Council takes a good look at you. They need a say in whether you should be trained in the Jedi Arts," Falen explained, trying to dodge some asteroids.
"You should rest up, you have a big journey ahead of you... And I don't want you falling asleep in front of everyone," she said.

^^ From Geek

"Ok, wake me up when we get there, if i dont wake up that is," Yatu said before leaning his head back and closing his eyes. Hours later Yatu was nodding in and out of sleep when he heard talking on the radio.
"Do you have him with you, the one of the prophecy?"
"Yes, quiet though, he is asleep at the time, we will be there soon," Falen replied. That was the last he heard before he went to sleep again.

^^ From Ballistik

"Yes, quiet though, he is asleep at the time, we will be there soon," Falen replied to Master Senji, one of the Jedi Council Members. Falen glanced behind her at the young boy, turning her head back to the controls.
"I will be at Corasont in two to four days, sir. Good bye," Falen said, turning off the console.
Coronet was coming up close, Falen getting up. She shook Yatu for him to wake up.
"Yatu, awake. We are about to arrive at Coronet," she said, still shaking him.

^^ From Geek

Detail Atun Hut!

How are you're feet?

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Re: Star Wars RPG
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2007, 11:56:53 AM »
{From Geek: Moved third portion here}

Leukos stood by at the Starport in Coronet, Corellia where one of his customers, a certain Falen, was to arrive and pick up her armor replacement, then had placed another order, even odder than the first, a concealable youth full body shield and a youth set of dress clothes. Yet again, Leukos wondered why a full grown female jedi would be ordering such items... but Leukos simply waited for her arrival.

^^ From Bobob

Falen finally woke up Yatu and they walked outside of the ship. There, Leukos was standing in the middle of the port. They walked to him and they all began to advance toward his shop.
"The armor is ready right?" Falen asked.

^^ From Geek

After days of floating in space, Root's crew had succeeded in fixing the ship. They were off, heading to Coronet, to see if his order had come in yet. On the way there, they stopped at some random planet to make more permanent repairs to the ship, and to buy basic supplies. Root decided to fall asleep in some inn. When he awoke, his crew was gone, but the ship and everything in it, besides the money, was still there, along with a note. The note said:

"Root, we have all been by your side for many years now. We are sick of the small wages you pay us, so we are taking the money and leaving, not destroying anything out of respect for you."

"Curse them!" He yelled. Now he had to quickly gain a huge sum of money to make his purchase on Coronet.

^^ From Devin

As Falen approached, Leukos sensed something different about her, an aura of power, along with her young sidekick. intricacy ensued.

^^ From Bobob

Falen shook hands with Leukos and they started off toward his shop. She couldn't wait to see the armor he made for her and Yatu.

^^ From Geek

Sweet i wonder if im getting something cool here too!! sweet!! walking into the shop Yatu began to look around seeing all these cool looking things around the shop. Falen and Yatu aproached the counter and Leukos pulled out some armor...

^^ From Ballistik

"Here you go" were the first words out of Leukos' mouth as they arrived, he had been waiting for this, the most important deal of the day. "Here is your fixed armor Falen, and (now I see...) a set of armor for the young master. Undoubtedly you will charge it to the Jedi Council and i shall send the bill there."

^^ From Bobob

"You are very correct, Leukos. The charge shouldn't be as much as last time, so I'm sure the Council will have no problem with it," Falen said, taking the armor and giving the smaller one to Yatu.
"Now I bid you farewell and thank you for your kind offerings," she told him and walked off with Yatu.
"Yatu, we will now be on our way to Corrasont where I will present you to the Jedi Council. I need you to continue your corridination again with the blaster as I take you there," Falen explained, hopping into the ship and sitting in the cockpit.

^^ From Falen

Name: Vale, Marik "Vicious Vale"
Age: Unknown
Race: Human, Mandalorian
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Starting Point: Coronet, the spaceport

Jeez. Space sure was filled with some wierd ones. Take this new arrival for example. She just landed her ship, and now she is heading to a shop with a Mon Calmari smith. In a hurry.

Marik just shook is head. Sure, he had used Leukos before, the guy was great. Could do or get anything you needed, but why would someone like a Jedi Knight bother with a person like him. Didn't they have rules about that kind of stuff? Oh well.

While lost in the train of thought, Marik had forgotten what he was acutally doing here. Delivering recently apprehended prisoners to the local authorities.

"Hey man," one of the capturee's said,"You're "Vicious Vale" Aren't you? Look man, whatever they're offerin', I'll double it."

"Really!" Marik said through his helmet,"That would be really swell. Can you pay me the 30,000 Republic credits now, or do I have to wait?" Marik let out a chuckle and shoved the guy along a little more.

After dropping off the group of outlaws to the authorities, he headed to the restaurant he could find. He was hungry, and his supplies of MRE's were wearing a little thin, not to mention the lack of taste.

^^ From Slayton

Thank you," Yatu said hopping into the other seat of the ship. This armor is sweet! i can wait to wear it Yatu thought to himself.

^^ From Ballistik

Falen pushed a couple buttons and twisted a bunch of knobs, the ship lifted. Finally it was time for Falen to really begin the padiwan's training.
"Now to Corasont. You'll meet all the masters, including Master Yoda. Remember to have a lot of reference toward them," she said.

^^ From Geek

Detail Atun Hut!

How are you're feet?
