
Author Topic: My Name  (Read 1081 times)

Offline -{Rook}-

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My Name
« on: October 29, 2009, 09:06:32 PM »
Okay, nice simple one here.
Is my name offensive?
Someone before on one of the servers seemed to take offence and was adamant it was a racial slur.

Now I myself have NEVER heard the term used in that context, I chose this name because I'm somewhat of a geek and Rooks are one of my favourite birds, being somewhat steeped in folk-lore and mythology, much like the crows they're related to.

Now I did my own brief research on the net and couldn't find any references to the word "rook" being a racial slur, so my guess is that the player who complained has probably heard it as a colloquialism in his own area or home town, so it could be a severely localised term which explains why I haven't heard of it. The only connection I can hazard a guess at is that "rookery" was one a term used to describe slums or ghettos, so perhaps something has been extrapolated from that.

Anyway, I deviate. I'm a little distressed that my name makes someone uncomfortable and that they associate it with something as abhorrent as racism, so I guess I'm just asking, do you think I should change it? The last thing I want to do is upset anyone, I've been racing with you guys for a while (though I've only just returned after an absence of nearly a year, judging by the gap in my posting dates) and I'm aware of how hard you try to keep your servers clean, I respect that and wouldn't want to threaten that.

I have a billion other aliases I could use if needs be, I sincerely don't mind, I'll leave it up to you guys anyway, just thought I'd bring it here because discussion in the server was slightly heated so wanted to clear the issue fully.



Offline BFM_JANE

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Re: My Name
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2009, 12:21:26 AM »
I've also never heard of the word being used in a derogatory way. I can try to stretch it and make it work, but then, I'm stretching.

"...discussion in the server was slightly heated..."

"I'm a little distressed that my name makes someone uncomfortable and that they associate it with something as abhorrent as racism..."

"The last thing I want to do is upset anyone..."

"I have a billion other aliases I could use if needs be, I sincerely don't mind..."

If I saw you in the server, I wouldn't ask you to change your name. I think it's great you're considering everyone when coming up with a name to play with, and it looks like you've come to a decision, or at least you've thought a lot about it. Why not just change it? It's easy enough, and now that you're back after being away so long, people will get to know you with your new name.

Offline BFM_Booyah

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Re: My Name
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2009, 05:54:33 AM »
You are certainly free to change your name if you wish to but you should not feel the need to.  There is nothing wrong with the word/name rook.  Anyone who would claim offense to that word is trying to be offended.  We try to keep the atmosphere of our servers as free from reasonably offensive material as we can and sometimes that includes material from other cultures that may not seem offensive to Americans but there is only so far we can take that.  At some point we have to say that it is not reasonable to be offended by something...otherwise we just become puppets who change our standards at the slightest unreasonable request.  If you want to change your name I commend you on your consideration of others but you should not feel that we are requiring it.

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