
Author Topic: Precious Cargo - Chapter 11 - Generally Speaking  (Read 2131 times)

Offline jokerman

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Precious Cargo - Chapter 11 - Generally Speaking
« on: November 25, 2009, 10:49:38 PM »
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The following story is copyrighted material and all rights belong solely to the author.  Any reproduction or republication of any or all of this publication without the explicit and expressed written consent from the author is strictly forbidden.
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Chapter 11 - Generally Speaking

The Spartan blinked and looked slowly to the Spartan II with the BFM armband, “General?”

“Yes”, said SüprM@ñ.  “The General asked you a question.”

The Spartan began to regain his composure and took a deep breath.  Straightening his stance, he looked at the General and said, “General, not Admiral?”

The BFM General looked at the Spartan.  He was not accustomed to being questioned but the Spartan was correct.  The Spartan series was under the Naval branch of the military and the question was valid and did help confirm the Spartan’s identity.

“Yes General.  This group is a special task force made up of Spartans, Marines, ODST’s… and others”, he said motioning his head to the ONI representative.  “Because of this, we have been structured under Marine military rank designations.”

“Yeah, the jarheads aren’t too bright, we didn’t want to confuse them”, said GlennZ snickering along with several others.  The General looked directly at him and stared.  GlennZ cleared his throat and said, “Sorry sir”.

The General turned back to the Spartan and said, “So you know a little about us, now what about you.  A Spartan out of nowhere brought in by an Elite.  A Spartan II that I don’t recognize.  Are you one of us or just some hallucination?”

At that, the Spartan’s entire body moved ever so slightly, as if he had just heard a loud snapping sound.  “You’ve done well for yourself… General.  I guess that escape pod wasn’t just a piece of junk and did hold together after all.”

The General’s gun slowly lowered to the ground.  The group began to look at each other questioning what to do, still holding the Spartan at gunpoint.  The ONI officer looked at the General, then to the Spartan, then back to the General again.  He then took three quick steps toward the two and said, “General, whoever this Spartan may be, he has obviously been in an area where he may have been compromised.  He cannot be trusted.”

The General’s attention was still on the Spartan.  He had never told anyone about that particular aspect of the incident.  He had almost forgotten himself.  The ONI officer still looking back and forth said with more urgency this time, “General, he may have been compromised.  I believe it is in the best interest…”

“I decide what is in the best interest of us, Mr. Noddu”, the General exclaimed still looking at the Spartan.  The ONI officer trying not to show surprise said, “Of course, sir.  I am only here as an observer.  But I would like to point out to the General…”

“That is correct, you are only here as an observer.”  The General then turned and walked up to the ONI officer.  Speaking directly into his face said, “And if you disrupt my command or troops, you can ‘observe’ by being tied to the front of my hog and have a front row seat when we re-engage the enemy.  I make the decisions, I give the commands, not you and not the Office of Naval Intelligence.  Is that understood, Mr. Noddu!?”

The ONI officer taken aback used his best British gentlemanly attitude with just a slight hint of arrogant trite and said, “Of course, General.  I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“Good!” replied the General.  Still staring down the ONI officer, the General continued but now directing his statements to the group.  “SüprM@ñ and Liam, take our guests and have Medic check them out.  If he gives them a clean bill of health then take them to the armory and give them anything they want.  The rest of you, prepare to saddle up.  We ride when they get back.  And you Mr. Noddu, are more than welcome to join us.”  Then turning away the General shouted, “Dismissed!”

As the group left and prepared for the impending battle, the Spartan and the Elite walked a few paces behind their escorts.  The Spartan glanced over to the Elite and then forward again.  “I didn’t know what the name meant.  I thought it was a curse or some derogatory comment.  I had no idea.”

The Elite glanced toward the Spartan and said, “In the history of my people, not even the Flood have killed so many so quickly.  The hierarchs did not believe the report of the battle.  Apparently, your people deny it as well.  I lost many of my house at Purgatory.”  The Elite looked in the other direction as if to reflect on their memories.  He then turned back and continued, “I have caused many to fall in battle.  I remember each of them.  Tell me Spartan, to have caused legions to fall, do you… can you remember them all?”

The Spartan still looking forward said, “I remember them every day.  Their screams haunt me every night.  That was my first day, my first mission.  A big part of me died that day.  And each day after, I long in vain for its return.”

“As do I Spartan, as do I.  But you know so much of our language and ways, I thought it was possible that you may know the meaning of the name.  The ‘toast’ that you gave aboard my ship, when you referred to Death as a ‘he’, I believed for a moment then that you knew.”  

“Death does not have a gender in our eyes”, the Elite continued.  “It is like a great ocean that eventually washes us away and brings us home.  We face the ocean and challenge it but it is neither a he nor a she.  But the Shy-Gheer-Maag controls the ocean and nothing stands in the way of his bidding.”

“You know our language has many meanings for the same words or phrases.  When you called Death ‘he’, it also meant the Shy-Gheer-Maag trembling with excitement as he was about to cause Death to sweep another great wave of destruction.  It was as if you were talking about yourself.”  

Then almost distantly the Elite said, “For a moment, I believed the myth of the Shy-Gheer-Maag’s return and thought you could be the heartless monster of legend.  There is a fine line between a murderer and a warrior or soldier.  But now I know that you do have the heart of a true warrior.  One of sorrow of what you have done and must do.  I do not envy you of this, Spartan.  It is a heavy burden to carry.”

« Last Edit: November 26, 2009, 06:27:20 PM by jokerman »

Offline Liam

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Re: Precious Cargo - Chapter 11 - Generally Speaking
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2009, 01:25:07 AM »
Bravo Bravo  :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

My my that Liam is fella is quite the character  :winkgrin: :winkgrin:

May 13, 09-Got Halo
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