
Author Topic: Definition/Meaning of "Akuma"  (Read 8790 times)

Offline Akuma

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Definition/Meaning of "Akuma"
« on: January 19, 2010, 03:51:04 PM »
The purpose of this post is to clarify the definition of my name so that guests will cease interrupting my race to ask me about it.

Lately, a lot of people have been asking me what my name translates to be in Japanese.  I feel that the response could potentially be viewed as offensive within the BFM servers.  I want to simply race and not have it brought up, but my name seems to be too disrupting for that to happen.  I will explain.

Akuma is a character who was first introducted in Street Fighter II (a game I have never played) as a hidden boss.  He is considered one of the best characters throughout the Street Fighter series.

In Romanian, this word means "now".  I was perfectly aware of this definition of the word, since my girlfriend uses this word every day of her life.

In Japanese, this word means "devil", but this is not the intended definition I was going for.  I am named after the character.

The character "Akuma" is called "Gouki" in the Japanese versions of the Street Fighter series.  Gouken is his older brother, who I believe has made an appearance in Street Fighter 4.  Gotetsu is his master.  Do you see a pattern?

I had no intention to introduce the word "devil" to the BFM servers.  I had no idea that this name translated to be that word until someone pointed it out in a server.  If it is the wish of BFM, since my name translated to be "devil" in a foreign language, I would be willing to change my name to Gouki.

I do not necessarily want to make this drastic name change, but I would be willing to do so if asked.  However, no administration has requested this so far.  I respect the religious views of all guests and members and just want to settle this.  Would everybody please stop asking me the definition of my name please?  =]

A high definition illustruation of Akuma:

My signature and display picture are also Akuma.  In my display picture he is moving quickly across the screen.  This is a teleportation move, and he is invincible while performing that technique.  In my signature, he is posing for his greatest move after he has just defeated his opponent.  The technique is called "Shun Goku Satsu".
« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 04:36:46 PM by Akuma »

Offline BFM_JANE

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Re: Definition/Meaning of "Akuma"
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2010, 04:46:26 PM »

I don't think the people asking you about your name are looking to uncover something controversial, but rather are just interested since it's not something common. They'd like to know the brief story behind your name, and/or why you picked it. That seems easy to understand, you yourself started a thread asking (in all caps) that everyone respond so that you have this information.

The details of your name are interesting enough, but most people probably won't care. When people ask about it, you could just tell them it's a character from the Street Fighter game. Beware, some people may know and like the game, and conversation may ensue. They may discuss it even if they don't know the game, that's just how people are.

If the social aspect of online multiplayer games upsets you, you might consider single player, creating your own server and not letting others join, or using a name that doesn't interest anyone. Bob, Spartan117, Masterchief, New001... In Halo, almost everyone ignores these players unless their actions make them stand out.

If not playing multiplayer games isn't an option and you already said you don't want to change your name, just tell people you don't want to talk about it, or leave suddenly. You could also make something up, or ask them what THEIR name means. Let them know you'll tell them for a small fee. If they ask what your name means, tell them you don't know what they're talking about, or just type question marks (???). You can always ignore them. Say something random in response ("hey akuma, what's ur name mean?"  - "There's a snake in my boot!!"). "lol" will always be a popular comeback to anything and everything, don't forget that.

Anyway, thanks for the thorough, if slightly irate explanation and have fun racing. ;D

Offline BFM_Kiwi

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Re: Definition/Meaning of "Akuma"
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2010, 04:55:37 PM »

As far as the "devlish" reference, I wouldn't worry.  Most games are about good and evil, and so I'm sure a lot of character names derive from devils and demons and such.  As long as they're not blatantly obvious and offensive, we're not intending to look to hard into such names.

As JANE said, apart from playing dead, you can just simply say it's a character from the Street Fighter series.

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Re: Definition/Meaning of "Akuma"
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2010, 05:06:48 PM »
 i thought it was a misspelling from hakuma matata.    (it means no worries.... for the rest of your days....)



« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 05:11:39 PM by BFM_»FØRЫ »


Offline Akuma

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Re: Definition/Meaning of "Akuma"
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2010, 05:11:49 PM »
Yeah you guys are right:  it is probably my own fault for picking an interesting name that people would ask about.  xD  I have had people asking about my name so much and it gets very repetitive to have to explain the same story time after time after time again.  I did not mean to appear angry at anybody because it is nobody's fault.  Everyone is just curious but there is only one of me to ask.  =]  I am, after all, the only supreme master of the fist!  =D

I wanted to fully explain in a forum post where everybody can see it as a type of "blanket" answer.  I tried to introduce as many possibilities as I could think of.  Obviously nobody has had a problem with my name.  Clearly everyone has gotten to know me as "Akuma" and it would be difficult to change after so long.

I hope, in-game, I can just be the friendly and competitive racer that everyone has grown used to.  I like bouncing back and forth with people about theory, philosophy, the significance of things, and whatever else you can think of... just not in-game.  The admins seem to have taken a similar stance about getting into the in-depth about their rules - they prefer to do it on the forums when possible.  

I would really hate to be personally asked something by somebody in-game while driving a gunner... someone is definitely going to be disappointed with me (whether I rudely ignore the person or cause my gunner to be killed).  I really try to not disappoint anybody.

LOL FORD I was wondering why everybody kept saying that around me.  I was very puzzled but dumbfounded simultanously.  I cannot believe I missed the point completely.  LION KING FTW
« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 05:25:56 PM by Akuma »

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Re: Definition/Meaning of "Akuma"
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2010, 05:13:41 PM »

"There's a snake in my boot!!"

Hooray for non-sequitur comebacks!  :yesyes:

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Re: Definition/Meaning of "Akuma"
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2010, 02:03:10 PM »
Looks like JANE has some company in the "verbose member" category :P

Interesting read there Akuma, the name sounded familiar but I couldn't think of where I'd heard it before.

i thought it was a misspelling from hakuma matata.    (it means no worries.... for the rest of your days....)


I thought the same thing at first :winkgrin:

Hakuna Matata to all! :)

Thank you Tanger!

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Re: Definition/Meaning of "Akuma"
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2010, 05:32:11 PM »
Chameleon killed Akuma on one fight scene (boo).. just asking is Ryu really Akuma's son..? 
Ryu rulez! used to play Street Fighter everytime lol
