
Author Topic: Good Games; Samurai and Reaper  (Read 2653 times)

Offline Lone WolF

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Good Games; Samurai and Reaper
« on: March 25, 2010, 11:32:08 PM »

Suggestion for you Samurai, I noticed that often you where trying to be stealthy while using the Shotgun, when you use the Shotgun stick to small and tight spaces and don't quit moving (to reload) or running (for stamina to catch up) the Shotgun is a little like in Halo, it is a IN-YOUR-FACE weapon the farther you are the less damage you do as well as the less your likeliness to hit a target the closer the better, aim around the chest area, if they duck you'll hit the head not shoot over it. ^^ I wasn't on your team very long Reaper so I didn't get a chance to see your style, I did notice that you did try to use the shotgun, remember to use Perks that complement the gun.

Example: The Shotgun's default class as a damage modifier to explosives, that only helps if you use Rockets or M203's (Grenade Launcher) to attack, which M203's and Claymore's are not allowed so that perk won't help you much.

Question: Are rockets to ground allowed and is C4 allowed?
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Offline BFM_Kiwi

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Re: Good Games; Samurai and Reaper
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2010, 11:52:44 PM »
Rockets and grenade launchers are allowed.  C4 is allowed to cover the bomb in S&D, and similar uses, but not to be thrown like a grenade at an enemy.

We may allow claymores in the future, but we are mostly new to the game, so we decided to disallow them to prevent people from getting too frustrated.  We also discourage overuse of knifing.  I only would use a rocket or grenade launcher if others are using and expecting it.  If you're a much better player than your opponents, it's a nice gesture not to add to their misery by using rockets, C4, knifing them, calling in airstrikes etc.   But all of those weapons are allowed.  

Offline BFM_JANE

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Re: Good Games; Samurai and Reaper
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2010, 12:47:21 AM »

GG! And good info on the shotgun. I was thinking the other day that I should be better with the shotgun since I run around like a freak not aiming. But no, turns out my best kills are... Well, I don't really kill anyone. :P

Offline Elensar

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Re: Good Games; Samurai and Reaper
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2010, 12:56:11 AM »
Jane I think you should plant a C4 on yourself and just run at the enemy :D. lol, jk, I think you just need to aim :P.

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Offline Lone WolF

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Re: Good Games; Samurai and Reaper
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2010, 05:32:47 AM »
 Another thing I noticed was that you had a LMG, remember LMGs are the second best thing to use on a chopper, if you have teammates and you plan on shooting the chopper down ask a teammate or two to watch your flanks, to keep the chopper's owner from rushing to kill you so his, her chopper stays active.

 The LMG is best as a supportive weapon, since it is to slow for rushing (I've tried. ^^;) and reloading takes longer than getting a lap on Death Island (figuratively speaking by 2 or 3 seconds j/k) well it ain't that long but if you get surrounded and have to run or knife a few people it can take that long. Some people just get behind a wall and spam fire through it, while it might work sometimes it may also make you a prime flanking target, or a nade victim if someone is well experienced with nades. The best place for LMGs are in areas like pipeline's tunnels and areas similar.

 Example: BFM_(______) is using a Shotgun and you have a LMG, let's use Killhouse's room structure, if you are filling it full of holes or shooting the area slightly to the left of it when your teammate runs through any enemy is likely prone to stay below your barrage. Or if a enemy is on top sniping from one of the concrete structures nothing says duck or run like a LMG spray. (Warning this can be a death trap for your teammate if friendly fire is on, or death to you and teammate if it shared, or your death if reflective is on.) This is to give you ideas for using a LMG effectively not neccessarily the best way to use it.

Tutorial Claymores: This is for future reference, or if you plan on practicing with these little fellows in other servers (Remember not to use them in the BFM server.) A well placed Claymore can save your life, or avenge what was your life. When placing a Claymore you have to know am I going to be using this area as my sniping area or am I going to be leaving a little present and moving on, or is this going to be a route they take getting the bomb here, or is the bomb defense likely to stumble over this at a later time. I'll post more on this later.

- Lone Wolf, Out.
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