
Author Topic: NO WEAPONS!!!  (Read 4528 times)

Offline blugbar

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« on: October 14, 2007, 09:08:13 PM »
BFM does not like campers and snipers, so why dont they custom edit the maps to be without weapons.
>.<        ^_^    0-0

Offline Rázgrìz

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« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2007, 11:06:31 PM »
if you  have no wepons, say you dident have a hog, how would you be able to get a hog? truse me your not the first one to bring this up.Booyah, Elvis or Warlord will probly have a more detailed explanation

Offline blugbar

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« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2007, 12:01:15 AM »
You would get a hog by walking up to it and hopping in... DUH      (sry 4 the rudeness)

There WOULD be hogs on the map, just not hand weapons or grenades.

That way we could race without campers or team naders
>.<        ^_^    0-0

Offline ThE BrIcK

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« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2007, 06:19:22 PM »
You can't just get into a hog when an enemy is in it. ;)
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Offline Rázgrìz

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« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2007, 06:27:12 PM »
i was implying ther was no hog to be able to get into.

Offline Soníc

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« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2007, 06:37:52 PM »
yeah, what they said.  plus, without weapons the race would be kinda boring if you catch my meaning.  and how would you jack a hog without grenades?  unless you're implying that the no weapons only applies to projectile weapons, and you still have grenades.  That could possibly work.  assuming you could mod it to do that :P (by mod I mean modify, not like hack mod :-X)

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Offline BFM_Hydra

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« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2007, 06:46:22 PM »
There are a very many reasons, blugbar, that there are still weapons on the maps.

1) First and foremost, this game is called team race. This means that the ULTIMATE GOAL of the player should be to finish as many laps as possible, and to win the game for the TEAM.

2) By having weapons, this adds another field of gameplay to the race arena. It enables the parts of Halo that everyone enjoys - blowing things up and shooting enemies -, and integrates our favourite gametype in at the same time.

3) Weapons make the game much more interesting and competitive. Tell me, without weapons, how would someone without a hog be able to get one? They would not be able to nade and shoot because Halo only allows for the spawning of 8 warthogs, and no more. If there are no hogs, those walking to their navs can fight each other. If there is only one hog, those can fight over the hog, with the person who prevails winning the ability to drive off and continue racing. If one has no hog, and no weapon to jack a hog, this makes it grossly unfair for the walkers.

4) By having weapons we are putting an element of trust to our guests. By having weapons, we are saying to the guests, "we are giving you a chance to shoot things, but we also hope that you can use these weapons to your advantage and still race, rather than camping and making no fun for everyone".

5) Camping is not allowed because this is a team game and, although many will disagree, camping does not help your team in any way, shape, or form. If you are sitting there sniping, and you kill 4 people, great! You killed 4 people, that when they respawn, will just keep going to their nav points. Whereas you, the sniper, will get ZERO laps, they will get two or three. To win, your team needs 15 laps. Tell me, by getting zero laps, and letting others get more laps then you, how does this help your team win?

The other reason camping is not allowed because it ruins for those who are racing. People want to be beaten by someone better than them, if they wish to get beaten at all. They don't want to be killed by a walker hiding behind a rock with a rocket lancher killing eveything that comes along. That is just no fun.

6) By removing weapons we would also have to mod the maps to not include the turrets on the guns. But gunning is one of the most important (some would say THE most important) parts of the game of race. We would have to remove turrets because those without hogs would just get blown up because they have no way to jack the hog, or have a chance to get racing properly.

7) BFM has always had a no-mod stance, except in our CE server. That is pretty self explanatory methinks ;).

8) Weapons makes it more fun. Without weapons, I can tell you I would not even consider playing on a BFM server. It would be boring and I can tell you I would be less then nonplussed to race in a server without weapons, as would many other guests and admins.

Blugbar, I hope this answers your question. I know, it was pretty long, but I think that is a fairly good explanation. You are not the first to ask this question!

See you on the tracks!

« Last Edit: October 15, 2007, 06:48:18 PM by BFM_Hydra »

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Offline Sarge the Heavy

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« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2007, 07:13:27 PM »
i think having no weapons encourages camping.
people might resort to hog camping more.

thanks for the sig Tanxs1

thanks plix

thanks batman



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« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2007, 08:46:50 PM »
Great answer Hydra.

For my .02c lemme say that if Halo race was just a race car game, i.e, weaponless, I wouldn't play - heck it would be dull.
BFM application submitted 2007-10-18.

Offline BFM_Hydra

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« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2007, 01:01:30 AM »
Thanks :)

I was breaking a sweat trying to answer the question before anyone else :P

Felt like I was on a treadmill! *Pants with all seven heads*

BFM_Hydra Signature: Miser
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Thanks guys!

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Offline Jimmy

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« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2007, 04:18:02 AM »
well said.

hydras essay in short form

no guns = no fun.
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