
Author Topic: Just a comment about a game i just got out of.  (Read 1383 times)

Offline Joel

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Just a comment about a game i just got out of.
« on: November 03, 2010, 01:19:30 PM »
Ok so I just got out of a game were i got 24 kills and 4 laps (most kills ever). This score may indicate to someone who wasn't there that i was slaying. However i wasn't. The map was Timberland and both teams started spawning at Red Base so chaos ensued ( as usual ). And every time i saw a hog open i would start running for it and someone wold start shooting at me. So i would shoot back and throw a nade to try and either get there shields down or finish them off. I have read the rules and it says quote,"
7.1.   You may attack an enemy player when they are attacking you or you believe you are in imminent danger."
 Now most of the players in the match were raging perty bad on me. However the result that i got a high kill rate was not because i was camping or slaying. Anyway just wanted to clear up that this was ok and I hope i dont get a bad rep for this. bfm_surfsup and BFM_2much and also i think BFM_soul was there to but i cant confirm. I understand that some of those nades i threw may have hit players i was not engaging and im sorry for that also later on in the game i was perty paranoid about people trying to kill me. So this happened. I was in a lone gun hog and saw a rocket hog very close by ( it was on my radar ). So i hopped out and as it was driving towards me and shot it with a rocketlauncher (i had gotten the rocketlauncher because i had killed a camper earlier *splat*). After i had done that it flipped and there was another person alive this person turned towards me and i presumed that he/she was going to fire on me so i shot first and killed him/her. Im sorry for this but that was all that i did wrong in that match. As you can imagine when i said i had to leave in the next match many people actually wrote things like "yay" and stuff like that but bfm_surfsup gave them a repromand (ty). So anyway i just read that sometimes admins see something they think is wrong and they make mistakes very rarely but on this occasion i dont think i did anything wrong please tell me if i did thanks 

BFM_Enoch: "Joel the Jaguar the juggles jets"

Thanks to -Lostmymind-

Offline BFM_Slim

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Re: Just a comment about a game i just got out of.
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2010, 10:08:23 PM »

It’s very hard to comment as I was not in the server at the time. If this occurs and you feel the need to explain yourself I would suggest that you send a PM to the admins that you were racing with in the server. They will offer you feedback and let you know of any improvements if needed based on what they saw.

As far as defending yourself, yes you are right you can. Remember however when a server gets messy like that just get racing as quickly as possible. Often you can get away and leave any slayer behind and the admins will do the rest.  It sounds like there was plenty of admins in the server so I can imagine that the slayer went on to long anyway.
