
Author Topic: Skyrim (The time is here!)  (Read 47447 times)

Offline OBOLeader

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Re: Skyrim (Time to start this thread, methinks...)
« Reply #15 on: November 13, 2011, 11:22:05 AM »
Well Mxy, looks like you owe me $10! Though it was very difficult...

I love the dragons. Like boss fights, but way cooler!

Also, I love the graphics
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Re: Skyrim (Time to start this thread, methinks...)
« Reply #16 on: November 13, 2011, 01:48:18 PM »
Although this game isnt my cup of tea it does very very good. GOTY might be a three way race between human revolution, Zelda SS and this. 

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Re: Skyrim (Time to start this thread, methinks...)
« Reply #17 on: November 13, 2011, 08:18:34 PM »
I rented it for a day just to see how it is. I do enjoy it a lot. itdeed it is tough and somthing i want to play more. i think i will get it for the xbox but hopefully they fix the glitches they have in it. i had to restart my xbox roughly 6 times cause it froze once in a while going to a area weather its in a building or out, basically the loading transition between places. i got decently far for 4 hours and not knowing where i was going half the time. i got to the point where i fight a boss and 2 other people. one using magic which kills me fast :P Enough of me rambling on The game IS FANTASTIC!!! graphics great, story line Great and i do like being able to choose my own words spoken. almost but not feels like playing legend of the dragoon again in 1st person RPG but like i said its not the same lol
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Re: Skyrim (Time to start this thread, methinks...)
« Reply #18 on: November 13, 2011, 08:38:56 PM »
I have been getting more and more into these wide-exploration games.  Might give this one a go myself.

Good old Bethesda Softworks.

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Re: Skyrim (Time to start this thread, methinks...)
« Reply #19 on: November 15, 2011, 06:20:36 AM »
Paddled downstream and managed to loot the corpse... RIGHT as it reached the top of the waterfall,

i would of dont the same thing but die as i hit  :P :-\
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Re: Skyrim (Time to start this thread, methinks...)
« Reply #20 on: November 18, 2011, 03:16:44 AM »

My starting character is my "usual:" Dark Elf Stealth with Bow+Magic; Thief/Mage; Member to: Bard, Dark Brotherhood, (Imperial) Legion, Companion, & Stormcloak(!?!?)  :o  :LOL:


1) Loot, Loot, Loot!:  If you're not having problems toting all your stuff around, you're not looting questies and dungeons enough!

2) Best "cheat"/short cut I've found: Pelts, pelts, and MORE pelts! Make 'em into leather and leather straps (at a 1::2 ratio, which is tricky math since the strips come in fours...) and "forge" Leather Braces to gain Smithing skill. (I was a lvl 86 Smith at character lvl 14!)

3) Yeah, the bows are WAY overpowered, but the new "zoom" feature being stamina-based is a GREAT tradeoff!

4) Um, there are different types of Dragons, you know!  'Seems like there's three tiers, which I've labelled:

NORMAL: <12 arrows/20 secs dual blast (of opposing type. I.e. Fire versus a Frost dragon.)
BLOOD: 12-25 arrows/40+ sec dual last w/ "Impact"
and BLACK (of which I think there is only the one?): I have no idea as he toasts/freezes, and/or zaps me to dust in like 15 seconds everytime I try to target him!  :siderofl:

None of which should be tried until level 12-14, really, unless you've got a tank or something going on*.

Finally, it hit me yesterday why the new quest style seemed so familiar: In addition to their detailed, well-thought out brawler/stealth maps, they've added ... Laura Croft-style Tomb Raider complexity and "puzzles" all over the place, too! (I's say their easily three times more difficult than the Oblivion ones....)

5) I still hate several aspects of the UI, despite having learned how to deal with it. (Which from a game design perspective, is EXACTLY BACKWARDS!)  The only saving grace is "game-time "freeze" while you fumble around with items sometimes. But the fact that sometimes the "E" key CONSUMES an item and other times it could also USE an item, and yet another time it DROPS an item, is CRAZY!  (And then the "R" key jumps into the act sometimes, too!  :-\ )

Sometimes it "blocks" on stacks of items, like say six or more, requiring acknowledgement with an additional action, but ... why the random quantity limit??  Almost all double-digit quantities block, but sometimes items stacks of just six, or even FOUR, block too?!?


7) And yes, I could've made good use of the "9" and "0" keys as EQUIP slots!

To whit, I have: 1:Flame, 2:Freeze, 3:Zap, 4:Bow, 5:Sword/Melee, 6:Voice #1; 7:Voice #2; 8:"Active" Spell.  I'd love to have the other two so I could have an alternative weapon in one, and then a BLOCKING item, as well, or maybe even potions or tomes....

And 8) I WANT TO ORDER THE DISPLAY OF THE "Quick" list myself, TYVM!!

Anyway, I've also stumbled into two nasty bugs which stopped serious quest lines cold, and it crashes on me at least twice a day still, too.  :'( (FYI: If you run into strange quest difficulties you might want to check the Bethesda Tech Support FAQ, as they've got dozens of issues that aren't code related, but are rather complex synchronization/timing issues and the like, and your problem might be on their list.  (E.g. "If character A happens to meet character B somewhere else before meeting to complete a quest step Q in city Z, the quest cannot be completed.  Period.  Ever.")

These are problems that are NOT fixed in the 1.1 patch, either, BTW....

And yet... it consumes me....  ::)


* Which reminds me of the GREAT QUEST with Barbas the Telepathic Dog!"  Not only is the whole thing hilarious, but Barbas makes a great tank, since he's immortal!

What's your "worst predicament ever" in the game so far?  Can you beat this scenario?:

Noticing a dragon flitting and careening about attacking some NPC(s) semi-distant across that huge open plain area (West of Whiterun, I think?) I set off to Take Him Down.  When I get in proximity to the fray I notice that he's been torching a troll. I hang back and wait a bit....  (:LOL:! )  The troll gets lost, or runs away, and I start to move in on the dragon... who begins flaming the ground just over the hill I'm cresting.... Another critter, perhaps?

No. The dragon starts chanting in his native tongue, flames the ground on hos side of the hill, speaks some more Dragon-Tongue, and leaps up into the air, giving life to ... another dragon.  I just watched the Black Dragon bring YA buddy to life.  Great.  Time to leave this party!

So I turned to my right to take the shortest route to the woods (which are too far off to be of any help, really, but hey! Gotta TRY for some cover!)....

Unbeknownst to me, while I was occupied the The Dragon Birth Ballet a bandit trio: A NecroMage, a fully-armored Berserker with a huge axe, and a bowman had come charging out of the woods - probably to attack the dragon - BUT HEY!  Here's a lone guy that's easy for the pickin's!  As I did my about-face to go back over the hill the NecroMage yells: "OH NO YOU DON'T!" and starts blasting me with lightning.

As I crest the hill - it's actually been some time since I was back on the other side of that hill, you know - there are THREE giants herding their pair of Woolly Mammoths my way....




When it rains . . .  it kills you, right?

I dropped my quite-tensed shoulders and watched the slo-mo of the NecroMage frying me like a 2GW Tesla coil in an electric fry pan.

Then I reloaded from my last save and steered clear of that whole area, 'cuz I KNEW I wasn't going to make it out of there again, or EVER for that matter!  ::)

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Re: Skyrim (Time to start this thread, methinks...)
« Reply #21 on: November 18, 2011, 11:57:55 AM »
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Sells 3.4 Million Copies [over US$450m] in Two Days

By Leslie Horn, PC Magazine

November 15, 2011 10:46am EST5 Comments

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has sold more than 3.4 million copies in retail stores in just two days since it debuted, according to VGChartz.
Of that number, 2.5 million units were sold in the Americas and the other 950,000 were sold in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. VGChartz noted that this figure doesn't include digital sales.

Skyrim is the fifth installment of the popular Elder Scrolls series. It launched at midnight on Friday and costs $59.99 for PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360.

PCMag analyst Matthew Murray called Skyrim, which earned an Editors' Choice rating, is the best installment in the franchise to date, offering the "most detailed, immersive and engrossing" experience yet.

"Bethesda Game Studios has outdone even its superlative work in Oblivion to create a hyper-realistic gaming environment where nature itself becomes magical," he wrote in his review. "You honestly never know what lies beyond that bend in the road up ahead, or what you'll see when you reach the crest of the hill you're climbing."

It seems 2011 could be the year of landmark video game sales. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 also went on sale last week, and in its first day, the game sold more than 6.5 million units in North America for a total of more than $400 million in sales. Activision said Modern Warfare broke the record of 5.6 million units and $360 million sales set last year by Call of Duty: Black Ops.

For more on The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, see 7 Things You Should Do in Skyrim* and the slideshow below. Also check out: If You Like Skyrim, You'll Love These Games.

* Just FYI:
1. Play through one of the main plots.
2. Climb every mountain.
3. Track down all 13 Guardian Stones.
4. Join a union.
5. Settle down.
6. Indulge yourself.
7. See where the road takes you.

(Since the site's article has an open comments section, this is reprinted without permission. Active in-article  links not provided, either....  ::))

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Re: Skyrim (The time is here!)
« Reply #22 on: November 21, 2011, 08:13:08 PM »
nice info there mxy,
I restarted my game after 3 exhausting days of playing because I didn't like the choices I made with my Skill Perk Points.

atm, I have a Nord who I have mainly focused on sneak/pickpocket (including all the smithing) and soon to do up the rest of bow and one-handed skills.

Couple of little things I love about the game:
  • One thing I have read and done was to get my pickpocket up to a level so I can steal ~2000-2500 gold. Reason being is so i can loot all the gold I give to trainers.
  • Also, if you have a trainer that can follow you, you can take all the gold you give them when you ask for training  ;D
  • I also like that they kept the ability from Oblivion to turn stolen goods into owned goods by selling them to a fence and then buying them back.

and yes, I agree that they made this game for the consoles as it is relatively easy for me to work around everything

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Offline OBOLeader

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Re: Skyrim (The time is here!)
« Reply #23 on: November 22, 2011, 12:24:57 AM »
They do have fences that take stolen goods...

My pc version is easyier to navigate then those you guys have. mouse for everything except for menus, witch to be honest, does not bother me at all
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Re: Skyrim (The time is here!)
« Reply #24 on: November 22, 2011, 03:36:56 AM »
Well I have finally had a go at Skyrim. There is some bad and ugly and probably a few concepts that I would like refined... but I think this game will shape some of the RPGs in the future. I really hate the menu system although it is fully functional. No matter what I try I don't enjoy 'favourites' as much as the weapon quick keys. Pausing the game during battle is a bit annoying to change weapons to what may effectively be your only other setup.

What I do enjoy is the skills system. It really enocurages you to use ALL your skills. I am loving the smithing and collecting a million dead foxes... hoping to wipe them from the earth so when the year 2000 comes around they are extinct. :) (they are a massive pest in Australia)

The sense of adventure when playing is fantastic. The scenery magnificent. I am really enjoying the layout of the random and set quests. I love the new spell effects... but I do miss some of the old freedom with spells Enchantment is another favourite of mine, I think the way you learn how to enchant items is brilliant.

I did however get so bored with the tutorial when I first played it that I actually ran away from going to the first town and went exploring. I managed to get to level 5 just messing about with a character and even found a shout. The dialogue can be extremely slow and annoying, but at least the quests themselves seem very good.

I also enjoyed it when a giant hit me over a huge mountain. Kind of annoying I didn't quicksave... but it was quite funny.

Alright... off to kill Mammoths!

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Re: Skyrim (The time is here!)
« Reply #25 on: November 23, 2011, 02:35:40 AM »

i know where you got that from  :ssh:

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Re: Skyrim (The time is here!)
« Reply #26 on: November 24, 2011, 12:25:42 AM »
I'm probably going to wait until the after Xmas sales to get this game. I don't really want to pay ~$90 for a game which I will most likely play once. Oh and I will be getting it on the 360 for sure. Will probably get AC: Revelations at the same time and hopefully trade it in after I'm done with it. In my experience with offline RPGs, I don't want to play them twice.

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Re: Skyrim (The time is here!)
« Reply #27 on: November 24, 2011, 09:43:34 AM »


Yeah, I've got quite a lot of cabbage (over $50,000 gold, to be exact!  :P  :winkgrin:  FYI: I plan to buy Proudspire Manor ASAP just for the gorgeous views!)

I'm a bit of a "neatnick"/packrat wrt dungeons: Once through a dungeon I fast travel back and forth until I strip them clean, selling EVERYTHING.  Hence items and gold is not an issue.  (I also have every bit of storage available in my main house - Breezehome -  in use to store stuff as well. A nightstand just for potions, another for smithing/forging stuff, books, and most importantly, ingredients!)

I'm probably going to wait until the after Xmas sales to get this game. I don't really want to pay ~$90 for a game which I will most likely play once. Oh and I will be getting it on the 360 for sure. Will probably get AC: Revelations at the same time and hopefully trade it in after I'm done with it. In my experience with offline RPGs, I don't want to play them twice.

If you're going to get the console version, I'd suggest that you wait longer than that: Wait until they come out with the first (larger) patch that fixes some of the important (like MAIN-STREAM!) quest bugs that you CAN'T GET PAST WITH A CONSOLE (because you can't go into console mode as you can on a PC to get past the bugged parts.)

E.g. You can - more likely WILL - get stuck when attempting to complete the MAIN QUEST.  (See "Bugs," here.)

It was a simple matter for me to open the console window and type the command "setstage mq205 80" and then be able to play on....

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Re: Skyrim (The time is here!)
« Reply #28 on: November 25, 2011, 02:16:47 AM »
Bought not long ago.
Have been playing it nonstop since then.

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Re: Skyrim (The time is here!)
« Reply #29 on: November 25, 2011, 05:35:36 AM »
Good thing I've been quick saving... wandering around a dungeon and found an enemy that one shots me at level 10 with shout, ranged or melee. Was never going to win that fight! Save for another day... I'll return to take him out later :P

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