
Author Topic: BFM vs [ZÅ] Race Scrim?  (Read 1834 times)

Offline [ZÅ]BlackAdder

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BFM vs [ZÅ] Race Scrim?
« on: August 07, 2012, 05:13:43 AM »
Sup Bfms,
      Was not sure where this belongs, so i figured i would just put it here... Idk if u guys know but [ZÅ] has had a race server for about 1 month. Long story short I though it be cool to have a scrim. We have already scrim agaisnt HNL so we figured u guys should be next. I was thinking that it should be on the 25th of August, thats 3 weeks from now, which should give ample time 2 prepare. We can settle a time later. Basically its a 6v6, would be best 2 out of 3. You pick the 1st map and we pick the 2nd. If theres a tie, u guys pick the tie breaker. Im sure we are all going to enjoy this scrim and ill make sure all my members follow ur rules (most of them have played in ur server be4). And if it all goes well next time we have a scrim it could be in our server with our rules. Let me know wat u guys think, and thank you for ur time.

~[ZÅ] BlackAdder~

Offline BFM_Booyah

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Re: BFM vs [ZÅ] Race Scrim?
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2012, 07:36:02 AM »
I am glad to see you have been able to get some good participation like this in the racing community and we do appreciate the offer but BFM has had a very long standing policy of not scriming against other clans.  There are a number of reasons for that policy.  Many years ago we did try scriming against other clans as is "normal" for gaming clans and, without going into details, it did not go well.  Ever since then we have preferred to keep our interactions with other clans to the public servers.

Now that does not mean that BFM does not scrim, indeed we scrim far more than most clans do...on average 2 scrims a week, every week for the past 7 years.  We just keep it internal to BFM.  BFM's membership supports 4-7 teams that participate in fully bracketed scrim season tournaments.  We are currently at the half way point of scrim season 21.  So besides the bad experiences we have had in the past we are also concerned about external scrims interfering with participation in our own scrim seasons, which have been a big part of BFM's success over the years.

We really don't mean any offense to anyone with this policy.  I am sure that you guys would be a hoot to play with.  BFM has just found a groove that works for us over the years and it does not include that particular activity.  We are happy to stick with what works for us for now.  Again, we really do appreciate the offer and wish you luck in your future scrims.

"Compared to war, all other forms of human endeavor shrink to insignificance." - General George S. Patton Jr.

Offline [ZÅ]BlackAdder

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Re: BFM vs [ZÅ] Race Scrim?
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2012, 02:55:19 PM »
That makes so sad!!!  :sad:

Anyways, i respect your policy and 2 paraphrase wat u said "if it aint broke dont fix it" thats a good way to do things. Well if u guys ever change said policy i hope u guys think of us 1st.

Thank you for your time,

~[ZÅ] BlackAdder~
