
Author Topic: Question about a rule  (Read 2007 times)

Offline AgitoxAkito

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Question about a rule
« on: November 14, 2012, 05:55:39 PM »
So according to BFM officers i understand now we can slay IF were heading to a nav? BUT regular slaying is still prohibited correct?

Just wondering cux today was racing and guy spawns next to me and just nades me and shoots for NO reason whatsoever and kills me.
I said "no slaying" and i got lectured saying we can slay if heading to navs.. But NOBODY asked me if the gentelmen was heading to nav or not.(which he wasnt) So i got "picked on" by BFM members saying i should read rules. And also said to me if a hog is availabe you can fight for it. But was NO hog there. Being said i mean i understand all the basic rules of course, but thinking maybe they should have asked if the guy was even heading to a nav instead of me getting lectured?

I always thought slaying wasnt allowed. Is it only a unwritten rule to show class not to randomly slay when going top navs?

Your thought guys? Just want to get cleared up because felt kinda like i was zerod in on when i thought i was following rules.

Offline BFM_Kiwi

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Re: Question about a rule
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2012, 09:49:39 PM »
Halo is like Twitter with 60 characters instead of 140. Very hard to communicate in server on complicated rules, so thanks for bringing it here.

There is no rule covering slaying per se.  You can obviously kill as long as you're racing.  What you can't do is

1) Camp.  Can't be making kills when you could be racing. 

2) Chase kill.  Can't pass up a hog, or go away from your nav (on foot or in a hog) in order to make a kill. 

If you are on foot, and there are no hogs, you can kill any nearby enemies.  Depending on the map, they may spawn at the other base and you'll have a better chance of grabbing a hog when it spawns or getting into a teammate's hog.

Obviously there are gray areas.  If you decide to kill an enemy it takes a few seconds to finish him off, so you would pause briefly in your racing to do that.  Sounds like what he did was probably ok as long as he did it quickly right after spawning.

Of course if you're attacked, you can defend yourself, and you can stop racing to do that.

Offline BFM_Elvis

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Re: Question about a rule
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2012, 12:53:37 AM »
Well lets look at this another way.... Showing class? Would it be showing class that the Enemy sees no hogs available and allows you to then see an enemy hog that is coming to pick up him and allow you to nade it? Thats not class but stupidity on that player. Why would I allow yo to walk with me when no hogs are available? I mean if my teammate comes along you will nade him or her. So why wouldnt it be smart to kill you and move on by myself unless it moves you forward in the game?  Its not slayer but team strategy. I would do one of two things if I were with you alone at a base with no hogs.... lets say icefields... I might try to make you think I cant shoot and shoot and miss you to get you to shoot me and kill me to move me to the other base. Or I might know I have a teammate coming for me and kill you so you cant nade them. There are many reasons why someone wont allow you to walk with them when there are no hogs.

Offline AgitoxAkito

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Re: Question about a rule
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2012, 01:40:18 PM »
I understand what your saying Elvis and if that was the case then yes. What happened was no hogs around no hogs coming toward that base either. The guy didnt even get a lap the entire game but had 8 kills and 3 deaths. So when he spawned obviosuly he wasnt going to race but just slayed instead.

But yes your point about that is spot on and i would do that as well. Of course i wouldnt let him go toward his teammates hog and i myself not do anything. But the scenario was different. I was just asking opinion from what happened in my scenario.

Thanks :)
