
Author Topic: Eve Online (Warning, lotsa pics added!)  (Read 5381 times)

Offline HastaLaVista

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Eve Online (Warning, lotsa pics added!)
« on: December 20, 2007, 07:58:48 PM »
Anyone here play Eve?

It's a space based MMO, primarily build around PvP. After a 2 week free trial, I fell in love and subscribed.

It all takes place in space.... you never actually see your characters, they live in ships, and hop from one to the other depending on what you are doing. (PvP, PvE, Mining, Trading, etc...)  There are no separate servers, everybody plays in one big universe... sometimes 30-40 thousand people at once!

Unlike most games, you immediately start out in a Corporation. (Like a guild or clan) Later, you can apply to a different Corp that suits your interests. After spending the trial in my Newbie Corp (Which was full of knuckleheads) I applied to and was accepted into "Eve University" which is a large, and awesome bunch of people dedicated to teaching the game to new players. They hold "classes" that you attend in game and over teamspeak where experienced players take you through things like fleet maneuvers, or "tackling". (A PvP role where you take a small, fast ship and try to "lock down" a larger ship by employing electronic warfare devices like warp scramblers so they can't warp away and your own ships can pound away at it!) 

And lemme say, the learning curve for this game is STEEP! The interface alone is mind bogglingly complex, it is not at all user friendly, and takes some getting used to. So, having a good Corp really helps ease you into the game.

Another thing that is really different about Eve is the skill system... you don't gain skill points by doing something over and over... you actually gain skill points in real-world time, even when you are logged off! And some skills can take weeks of real world time to train, but the low level ones only take 20 minutes or so... So this means that people that have been playing for years can fly huge "Star Destroyer" type ships, while players that have only been in for a month are limited to small frigates. But, that doesn't mean you can't PVP as a newbie! Small ships are cheap and easily replaceable if they get blown up, plus the big ships have a hard time hitting the small ships. (Big guns have low tracking rates, small ships have high velocity)

Space in the game is rated in terms of security. 1.0 space is the safest, 0.0 is completely lawless and deadly. In High-sec space, NPC police will attack anyone who makes an aggressive move, so you can fly around, run missions (like quests) for NPC's and mine for ore in relative security. In Low-Sec space, you can easily get your ship blown up, and even killed. Blown up ships are lost for good, although you can (and should) insure them so you get back a chunk of the money. Dying means... you die... your frozen body floats in space! But the good news is you can buy clones, and wake up in a shiny new body a bit later.

So, exactly 1 day after I joined my new Corp... another Corporation declared WAR against us! This means their ships can attack our ships in ANY space, even high security 1.0 space! This makes it extremely dangerous to do anything basically... In fact during wartime we are not allowed to even UNDOCK from a station (safe spots) alone. We can not mine, or run missions. Basically, once wartime comes, you have to hide in a station, or join up with the Corp fleet and fight!

Wars are expensive for corps, every ship lost costs $$$, and to even issue a WarDecc (War Declaration) costs a huge amount of money. Each week (real time) that the war goes on it costs both sides, but costs the aggressor more usually. So why declare war? The Corp that has WarDecced us, "The Racketeers" are basically griefers... they want to ruin any ones fun, especially a "carebear" corp like us. (Similar to the grief that BFM gets from other, unnamed clans in the Halo community, hehe...) Our main goal is educating people and helping train pilots, not fighting in PvP, so a lot of other corps think lowly of us, and think we are "easy pickings" because we often have a large number of members who are new players. Well, we aim to show them the error of their judgement!

After a War is declared, both sides have 24 hours to prepare before any fighting is allowed. Once that time passes, the local police will no longer intervene, and the missiles start to fly! During war, recruiting is closed, and we are often put on lock down (Don't leave station for any reason!) while recon ships and stealth ships gather intel about enemy forces. Eventually, fleets will be formed, and war ops will start taking place.

We have retreated into our own sovereign space, and are waiting inside our Stations shield bubble for things to get rolling... it's not a quick process. The typical story... hours of boredom followed by 2 adrenaline pumping minutes of frantic activity! All of the warp gates out of our solar system are camped by enemy forces, and we are waiting for them to poke their heads in and start skirmishing. Which is good... we want them to come to us where we can defend from a strong position.

After the war was declared all classes were canceled and I attended 3 emergency sessions. War 101, Fleet Maneuvering, and Tackling. Since I am new, I will pilot a small, cheap ship called a Rifter. My role will be to try to lock on to enemy ships as called out by the Fleet Commander and nail them with a warp scrambler. (Have to be within 20 KM) This keeps them from escaping by warp. (Like the interdictor cruisers in star wars) Then I try to get in close (About 10 kilometers) and nail them with a Webber. This knocks their sub-warp speed by about 80%. Then I try to come in EVEN closer (About 5km) and hit them with an energy vampire. This basically sucks juice from their batteries and transfers it to mine. When their batteries get low enough ship systems will start going off line and they become a sitting duck for the DD (Damage Dealers) in the fleet to pound them to bits. If I have any spare juice, I can fire my missiles as well, but that is unlikely.

The ship I will be flying is small and very fast (Have it fitted with an afterburner and 3 overdrive modules, zoom!) but weak. 1 or 2 shots from a decent size ship, and I'm toast. But, each flight group usually has 4 or so tacklers. I expect to get my ship blown up. When that happens, you automatically eject in a "pod", which is a basic life support module with a warp drive. At that point the enemy will try to "podkill" or "pod" you, meaning to kill your body by blowing up your pod. So, you basically try to warp away as fast as possible when your ship gets blown up to avoid having to buy a new clone. Plus, and cranial implants (give big skill boosts!) are lost when you are "podded", and those things are EX-PEN-SIVE! On the flip side, we WANT to "pod" the enemy as much as possible to hurt their war funds. The sooner they decide the war is not worth it, the sooner the war will be over and we can get back to normal operations.

So, needless to say, this game is huge, deep, fascinating, hard, and fun as heck. I'll post some screenies later and give updates on how the war is going!

« Last Edit: December 21, 2007, 12:23:13 AM by Loqii »

Offline HastaLaVista

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Re: Eve Online
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2007, 12:22:48 AM »
Whelp, I'm grounded in our station for the moment, so here's some pics:

My character portrait! Don't worry, he's not mean, he just looks that way. Space life is rough on a man!

My ship in dock! I named it Slowdog after a favorite song of mine. It is a Frigate class ship belonging to the Minmatar (My race) Republic. Basically, this is one step up from the newbie ship you get for free. I have skilled up to fly cruiser class ships, which are much bigger and tougher, but they are also very expensive. A Frigate = 200,000 isk (Eve currency) A Cruiser = 6,000,000... so I can't afford to lose mine in wartime ops.

My baby in space, flying to our stations shield bubble after I refit her for tackling duty. P.S. Not all of Eve online is rust red... but, well, to be honest... space is visually very boring! So, the game designers added large, beautiful nebulae and other space anomalies  in EVERY single solar system. They vary greatly in appearance and color from region to region.

Our fleet forming up! The big tower in the middle is owned by my corp, and generates a large shield, and has massive defenses, making it a safe spot to gather. It is also a potential target for WT's. (War Targets) But, they would need SERIOUS firepower to take it down.

A zoomed out view of the region with tactical overlay applied. The rings are marked in 10 KM increments, originating at my ship, giving you an idea of relative position of things. The big white bubble is our station's shield. The smaller one is the range of my drive disruptor. (10 KM, aaah, I have to get close...) Green stars are members of my fleet. The white objects surrounding the shield bubble are defense turrets. Orbiting the moon you see in the background is a station where you can safely dock and log off. Not safe to log off inside the bubble, because you can drift out and get ganked.  ;D

Here I am in my tackling practice emergency class. The blue rings coming from my ship are basically frying his navigation systems. The 4 ships you see around the focal point are all draining his energy. (You can tell from the orange streaks... thats the telltale sign of energy vampires) The bright orange ball in the middle is the poor, helpless instructor who volunteered to be our target for training. He warped into the system and our job was to disable his ship before he could align to another warp gate and warp out. Mission accomplished!

Thats all for now, off to see if we are mounting any ops yet!


« Last Edit: December 21, 2007, 12:28:45 AM by Loqii »

Offline BFM_Hydra

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Re: Eve Online (Warning, lotsa pics added!)
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2007, 11:21:50 PM »
Zomg - price?

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Offline Bleach

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Re: Eve Online (Warning, lotsa pics added!)
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2007, 07:26:25 PM »
wow I want to try that game is there a demo?
A part of the winning teams for season 9, 10, 13, 17, 18 and now 19. Thanks for all of the great memories guys :D

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Re: Eve Online (Warning, lotsa pics added!)
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2007, 08:17:18 PM »
My brothers friend plays that a lot. It looks pretty fun ;D.

Offline HastaLaVista

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Re: Eve Online (Warning, lotsa pics added!)
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2007, 12:09:11 AM »
Heya all,

Yeah, there is a 2 week free demo, after that it's $20 for the 1st month, $15 each month after that. Standard paid-MMO Pricing I guess...

The war... is not going so great. We lost a bunch of ships due to people that can't follow orders...  :bang: I tried for a week to help, but in my newbie ship with my newbie skills I couldn't even get a target lock on a War Target. So, I and a bunch of others dropped out of the corporation to join a temporary corp where we can continue to train, run missions and mine while the more experienced players and instructors fight the good fight.

Here is my new ship, a Minmatar Cruiser called a Rupture. It's as ugly as sin, but it's a heck of a ship!


Offline FlameDragon

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Re: Eve Online (Warning, lotsa pics added!)
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2008, 09:28:54 PM »
im curently playing world of warcraft and im gona sign up for a trial of this if i like it im gona subscribe looks cool downloading it now will be done in like 4 mins was only like a 10 minute download

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Re: Eve Online (Warning, lotsa pics added!)
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2008, 11:50:49 PM »
Great game personnally im going to be resubscribing and then i will be ready for total choas!

I think everyone should try it and hey Loqii whats your corps name?


Thanks BigmanJT!                                                              Thanks Spood!

Offline HastaLaVista

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Re: Eve Online (Warning, lotsa pics added!)
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2008, 04:04:48 AM »
Great game personnally im going to be resubscribing and then i will be ready for total choas!

I think everyone should try it and hey Loqii whats your corps name?


I'm with Eve University (Ivy League alliance) right now, a corp dedicated to teaching newbies like me lol...


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Re: Eve Online (Warning, lotsa pics added!)
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2008, 01:58:25 PM »
i had to unsubscribe to that. i miss playing it. but it was either EVE or internet. can't play EVE without internet so :/

im Kriegarman on EVE. i fly a Dominix battleship and solo loads of L4's. it may be the ugliest ship out there but since they killed the myrmidon (the most beautiful gallente battlecruiser with the best potential) with not having 5 heavy drones out, i don't see any point in using it. i am gallente and i am in love with drones rail guns blasters and the odd MWD. my PvP ship is a blasterax (thorax with blasters. cruiser class) with loads of scrambling tech and for some odd reason an energy vampire. might change it for a cloak if i ever start up again (which i really REALLY hope i will be doing)

the new graphics for EVE look amazing though. shame its a very big hindrance when PvPing. it lags you out like mad.

i almost had enough isk to buy myself a blasterion (hyperion with blasters. very VERY big and mean battleship. eats everything for breakfast)
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Offline dash64

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Re: Eve Online (Warning, lotsa pics added!)
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2008, 04:56:04 PM »
where exactly do u get this game?   


Offline Gunner

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Re: Eve Online (Warning, lotsa pics added!)
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2008, 05:44:45 PM »
where exactly do u get this game?   


downloadable. its a subscription game. but you get 2 weeks of free play er new account. you can spam new accounts and keep restarting if you got really bored :P
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