
Author Topic: red_viper  (Read 1622 times)

Offline JôkÖr

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« on: January 20, 2008, 06:05:14 PM »
well hes a great racer when an admin is in the server! but when theres no BFM he camps, slays, snipes, pretty much tries to break every rule before an admin shows up! i asked him to please do not use profanity in the servers and threw something back in my face that was down right not called for  :toughguy:  i have what he called me right before he quit screenshoted as for the other stuff i didnt have fraps running  :doh:  if an officer would like to see that picture i would gladly send it to you in a PM

again dont be fooled if hes following the rules. thats just because a BFM is in there
