
Author Topic: just a few questions..  (Read 1836 times)

Offline DraVen

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just a few questions..
« on: August 20, 2007, 11:47:14 PM »
ok i was playing in server 2 most of the night.. and i got kicked for saying "ok.. what ev" and wasnt able to finish what i was saying. i hit Enter before i was a ble to finish saying. ok.. what ever that means.. i was nading things. like hogs on the side of the track.. and the guys in my hog started to complain so i only nade the hog right next to us passing.. like hogs that ppl just got out of.. so was that right of that admin to do?


i was playing earlier and this person.."the tiny ****" came in and everything it said was gold. i mean if i was running to a nav cause of no hogs.. i was "camping" and i got a RL and that meant i was "camping"(death canyon). then on sidewinder i naded its hog ang i got yelled at for nading an "non- gunner hog" i mean that happens all the time to me.. to admins.. i never see anyone say anything about it.. but when i did it, it was wrong..(i was driving a hog and a RL flipped it and i thought it was the hog going up the ramp and i tosted a nade, then got back in my hog). i seemed no matter what i did.. drove.. gunned.. ran the map if no hog.. i was in the wrong...i'm sorry if this is the wrong place for this but it really got to me..and i got kicked once for nading a friendly hog nade key is the 4 key and i hit it trying to get into the hog and the admin that was the gunner kicked me with no warning...

next Q.

if i am in a hog and the driver misses a nav. and keeps going not going to the nav.. can i jump out and get the nav. and go back to the hog?...

« Last Edit: August 20, 2007, 11:52:26 PM by DraVen »

Offline panoze

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Re: just a few questions..
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2007, 08:52:41 AM »
I don't think that you got kicked for saying "ok whatever" it was probably something else like nading instead of racing.  If you are nading solo hogs, that isolated is not against the rules but if you are repeatedly nading solo hogs instead of getting in one and racing yourself that is camping and slayer.     So if you are nading solo hogs, and passing up hogs, and then you tend to be seen with the RL then it seems to be a trend and an admin will take notice.

My suggestion is to first and foremost get in a hog and head towards your nav and cut back on the slayer and concentrate on getting racing and getting kills from the gunner seat of a hog or driving and team up so your gunner can kill from a hog.  Killing while on foot is a sign that this is not happening.  Seldom while racing towards your navs in a hog will an admin ever say anything to you or do take any action against you.  If they do, it is a mistake (or chase killing and not heading to navs) and we hope you will understand if a mistake is made but it sounds like you were distracted alot from getting your navs.  Of course when there are no hogs you can walk, but if you kill you must immediatly take the hog you just killed and not look for another to kill while on foot.

On your question about getting your nav, you can jump out and go to your navs but I personally recommend against it unless it would put you so far behind.  Its always best to be teamed up in a hog and to kill the enemy that way.  If its your lap or say 1st nav after lap, it may be better to jump out but I usually stay in for the sake of teamwork when this happens to me.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2007, 08:59:15 AM by BFM_panoze »

Offline DraVen

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Re: just a few questions..
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2007, 01:41:44 PM »
the nading i was in the pass seat of a hog with a gunner and a driver.. anmd it wasnt like i naded every hog i saw just a few that seened out of placed were they were sitting.. and the nading of the lone driver hog... that happened once..

Offline DraVen

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Re: just a few questions..
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2007, 08:59:07 PM »
ok since so many people read this.. i would also like to know.... does BFM have something ouyt for me?? i mean no matter if i dont kill a single person i get blamed for a bunch of other things.. im sorry but i have been following the rules just about to the T and i have even quoted the rules... and i am still doing someing wrong in the eyes other the few admins that read the rules as THEY want to...

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Re: just a few questions..
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2007, 02:17:28 AM »

Firstly a lot of people may read this thread as all can see it, but only officers can reply here.  Officers are Lieutenants and higher - ROSTER.

Secondly, if there is an issue here it would be with your attitude.  The "OK... What ever" was to one of our admins, Cooter (I think) who had just warned you for a second time, who then kicked you after that disrespectful remark.    And your spot on in assuming that our admins interpret the rules, that we wrote, the way they want to, as they were trained to do.

You are a guest in our severs, you need to respect our rules and admins.  I am sure you will get noticed for the right reasons should you follow this simple advice.

