
Author Topic: A very importan question  (Read 1197 times)

Offline tootrue

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A very importan question
« on: September 26, 2009, 01:01:44 AM »
 :hug:Hello BFM_ & bfm_ members i hope you are all doing very well.I am stopping by this section to ask a very important question well its important to me at least.Before i get into this i want to say thank you all for the great races i have had with many of you and also thanks for all the work you do to bring the servers to us all.
My question is this i have often seen that you guys have scrims and when i have looked to see who the people were in those scrims some did not have BFM_ or bfm_ tags.So does that mean non BFM members can be in those scrims with you all?
In the past week or so i have had some super horrible games on many of the clan servers not just yours and i am assuming that if you are in a scrim with you guys the games would be so much cleaner than as of late.
Sometimes BFM_ admin come in and as it gets worse they have to leave most likely for real life stuff or maybe not and the server gets left in a mess maybe they get heated and just leave cause they cant take it like i would like to do sometimes but with me
wanting games so bad i tuff it out and hope the bad folks will get bored and leave.
I am truly hoping for a response from as many of you as have time to respond.I enjoy all aspects of halo even though i don't like ctf that much but when i race i feel like sometimes so many people resort to nadeing first even if a lone hog than to race first so many want to slay before racing spam nades and try to twist BFM rules and also other clan rules just to fit them trying to win the cheapest way possible.
I myself strive to race and get laps before all if i flip my hog and have a gunner and they decide to nade instead of jumping right in i drive off.If i feel i am going to die and someone is trying to get in and they go slow i tend to drive on for the sakes of laps seeing laps in what helps our team win and one dieding is better than 2 so one can get a lap for the team.
If any of you would like to have my xfire just ask me in a pm and i would be happy to give it to you but i do not get on there often when i race because racing gets my full attention and i try not to talk very much in the game until i get a little agitated and have to say something about how people play.Well i hope this helps some of you understand me more and i hope it helps understand how i feel about racing styles.I hope to hear from some of you soon if not as many as possible.see you in the races and thanks again.
:shades: 2c

Offline BFM_Elvis

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Re: A very importan question
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2009, 01:30:49 AM »
You dont have to have tags to be in a BFM scrim. You do have to be on BFM vent. To get on vent with BFMs you have to have asked to join BFM and waited your turn to get on vent. Those who do wait that time and make it to vent are allowed to play in scrims.

You are correct to think are scrims must be clean and full of race. You also should know that BFMs have even tougher rules to follow in scrims and in public servers. We have scrim rules and expect EVERY BFM to follow those rules even in public servers. I can tell you the scrims are a lot of fun and it is fun to race in a place where you know everyone is following the rules.

So quickly to answer your question. NON BFMs are allowed to be in BFM scrims. They must have earned vent status to be in those scrims. I hope that helps. If you wish to join BFM because of what BFM is about feel free to apply to be recruited. We are always looking for great people to make us better. Everyday we get new great people and learn from them and grow to be better and better.

I hope that answered your question. If not feel free to post or send me a pm. I wish you the best no matter the path you take. Thanks for the question!
