
Author Topic: Kitten Help!(Need help convincing JRock that cats are good pets)  (Read 7983 times)

Offline Noodles

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OK! Dad, lol. Yes, I bug you... TONS! OMG! BUT! I am determined to save a life.

Ok! Here's where my other family members come in, (Yes, that includes you guests of all sorts! and Members.)

I need some advice, and words of wisdom on adopting/ rescuing a kitten preferably.

Well, mostly because I know HOW many animals in general are euthanized. And although when we think of euthanasia... we think of dogs... but the dogs arent the only ones out there... There are over 500 million cats in the world...

Now for cats/ kittens... I KNOW there are owners out there, who own a cat. so i'd like to hear your experiences with cats.

And how they've changed your lives...


Noodles. :3

« Last Edit: February 01, 2009, 06:57:23 PM by BFM_Noodles »

Offline BFM_Kiwi

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Re: Kitten Help... A little convincing? (Rescue an animal today!)
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2009, 11:17:13 PM »

I had a cat once.  Changed me life forever.  Made me into a dog-lover.


Seriously though, we rescued a 9 year old dog Polly.  Didn't expect her to last a year, but we've had her for 2 years now and she's still going strong.  A lot of work, but don't regret it a bit.

Offline BFM_JANE

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Re: Kitten Help... A little convincing? (Rescue an animal today!)
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2009, 02:08:06 AM »
Dogs are too needy. Here's another long post by Yours Truly. You may pick and choose what you'll read.

ALLERGIES: I had a cat for seven years, but don't have it now. I miss it. *sad face* But I don't miss the allergies! There have been pets in my life for as long as I can remember and, while I knew animals made it worse, I figured it had to do with plants, smog, mold, pollen, etc as well. I got rid of the cat two years ago. I don't have really bad allergies at all! It was the animals! I can breathe through my nose almost all the time, I'm not constantly sneezing and rubbing my eyes until they hurt... I'm like a normal person! I love cats, but I may never get one again.

NAMES: People often asked if I even liked the cat, and of course I did. They asked because I always called it an "it" and never gave it a name, aside from "Cat" (or "Kitty" if it was being cute and/or I was feeling friendly ["come here kitty!" vs. "get outta there, cat!"]). It was female but I am not calling an animal "she" because it's too humanizing and weird. Ironically, I couldn't call it a he because it wasn't male, though that is what I will call all living creatures when I'm not sure what gender it is.

When I first got it, I actually had two, a black one and a gray one. Their names, naturally, were The Black One and The Gray One. At the vet, for identification purposes, they were given my last name (The Black One Deaux). When I got rid of the gray one, the other one lost its name. The people I gave the gray one to never named it, even though they've had lots of animals and always enjoyed the naming part. Huh.

FACIAL SCARS: The two kittens played around a lot, always climbing on things and falling off, squeezing under the couch and chasing each other. One day I was lying on the couch watching TV and the black one jumped off the love seat, landed on my stomach (oof!), jumped to the other arm rest and off the couch. The gray one was close behind but, instead of landing on my stomach, landed on my face and pushed off for a big leap, scratching my nose. I snatched that thing out of the air and held it there while feeling my nose. AAAAAAHHHHH! There was blood on my nose! I threw the cat and went to the bathroom. I had a long, thin scratch that ran the length of the bridge of my nose, from forehead to tip. Two things that give me nightmares: Broken teeth and facial scarring. There's no evidence of my wound now, but I was panicking then.

CAT DIET: My cat (the black one) was fat. That's because I was too lazy to feed it regularly so I had one of those things where you pour a bag of food in it, then it dispenses as the animal eats. And that cat ate and ate. It got up to 26 pounds and the vet said it needed to go on a diet. So over the next few years, it got a quarter of a cup of food a day, except when I left the cat food bag out. I would come home and there would be cat puke all over the place and cat food spread all over the kitchen, with a big hole chewed in the bag. Anyway! Once it lost all the weight, it had a lot of extra skin on its belly that wagged back and forth when it ran. :XD:

TOILET BRUSH: With my allergies, I tried not to touch it too much, except with my feet, that was okay. I think I've told someone here this story, maybe Volley. Anyway, the cat always wanted to be petted so I bought a toilet brush to pet it with. It was a brand new, clean toilet brush but people always had a cow when I told them I pet my cat with a toilet brush. The dumb thing liked it and I didn't ended up sneezing afterwards! Win win. I DID use it to clean my bathtub for a while, after the cat was gone.

FUR CLUMPS: I never brushed it (for real, not just quick swipes with the toilet brush) and a nasty clump of fur formed on its back. I cut it off with scissors but a month later, there were two. I removed those and a month after that, there were five! The cat didn't like me pulling and cutting its fur so I got an animal shaver and shaved a large spot on its back. And since I was there, I was just going to shave the whole cat but only got to do its back. It didn't like being shaved either. But once the bald spot grew in (people gave me such a hard time about it), the clumps never came back. They were really gross.

STALKER: I was watching TV again and I just happened to look over and the cat was lying on its back with its legs in the air, staring at me upside down. It was way creepy and I looked away. But since I could tell it was still staring at me, I kept peeking back at it and looking away again, getting annoyed. Omg, stop looking at me! It was like some weirdo staring at you in a restaurant! Eventually I took off one of my socks and threw it at the cat, and it went flying down the hall, came back up and into the kitchen, where it skidded across the floor and into the wall. Stupid cat.

SNOBBY, ANNOYING, STUPID CAT: I cleaned up a lot of cat waste. That stupid thing would not use the litter box if there was more than one clump in it. Oh, it made me so mad.

LIVES LIFE ON THE EDGE: I was trying to put together a shelf or something and the cat was rubbing up against me, walking in front of me and getting in the way. I kept yelling at it ("go away, cat!") but it wouldn't leave me alone. Finally pushed over the edge, I picked it up and threw it. Don't worry, it weighed a ton and I was sitting on the floor. I actually only lifted it up and tossed it about two feet. It stood there a second and came back. Before it could get in my way again, I was practically screaming at it ("NO!") and pushed it away from me. The fat cat just fell sideways on the floor and since I didn't want it anywhere near me, I had to roll it away, using my feet once it was out of arms reach. When it got up and came back again, I stood up and it ran away before I could attack. Stupid cat! After about five minutes, I saw it creeping down the hallway and it would stop when I looked at it. When it got close enough for me to touch (not that I did), every time I looked at it, it would collapse on the floor in case I was going to roll it away again. After several minutes of this, it flopped down against my leg and went to sleep.

GET OUT OF MY ROOM: The cat knew it shouldn't be in my bedroom, but went in there all the time anyway. I knew it knew it shouldn't be in there because when it would walk in there like it owns the place, I had but to say one word - Cat! - and it came running out. I didn't have to even see it go in there. I could be just about to leave and realize that cat wasn't in my way. Cat! And it came flying out of the room. That's exactly how it got shut in the room all day too. Stupid cat.

"RESCUED" CAT: I got the cats from my step-dad's daughter. She lived on a farm or in a freakishly small town that had cows in it, and apparently was overrun by cats.

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Re: Kitten Help... A little convincing? (Rescue an animal today!)
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2009, 04:31:33 AM »
... I'm like a normal person!

Don't kid yourself JANE. :P

I need some advice, and words of wisdom on adopting/ rescuing a kitten preferably.

Eh, you should rescue some battery hens! Cuteness guaranteed, and all the fuss of caring for a cat without the horror stories JANE describes. Take my word for it, a cat is a vicious, savage predator who will show you no mercy in battle.

Battery hens need rescuing because, at the end of their first year of production of eggs, they tend not to produce so many in the second. SO it becomes unprfoitable to keep them, and they are replaced by a new batch of POL pullets. The older hens are all "disposed of" (euphemism). Some of these hens are given a second life by compassionate hen-lovers, which allows them to have all the benefits of being free-range and being properly cared for that they didn't as a battery hen.

Of course, lots of animals suffer from this sort of thing (dogs, in particular, seem to suffer from the "dog is not just for Christmas" problem) and you'll need to decide which ones you like best, and can actually take in - hens need a garden.

jim360 - Hen ambassador to BFM.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2009, 04:44:36 AM by jim360 »
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Offline carl

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Re: Kitten Help... A little convincing? (Rescue an animal today!)
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2009, 10:44:55 AM »
i love kitties.  there fun, playful and cute.  the cat that i know is the MOST friendlies cat i have ever known.  he will rub against you, knock his head into your hand, and will sleep on your bed.  his name is benny.  i always like playing with benny because he just brings so much happiness.  look at my signature to see what cat im talking about. 
if you ask me to slow down when racing, then you are out of luck buddy. I AM AN AGGRESSIVE DRIVER!!! 
the fastest way to a point is a straight line, no matter the danger, i like to take chances, I AM A RISKY DRIVER!!!

Ok, let's get right to it.  DO NOT HIT YOUR COMPUTER AS CARL DOES

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Re: Kitten Help... A little convincing? (Rescue an animal today!)
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2009, 12:18:32 PM »
Like ZOMG jrock buy the kitty or adopt i dont get paid until you do!!!!
They help teach responsibility to children!

This was a paid advertisement by noodles advertising!

Thanks BigmanJT!                                                              Thanks Spood!

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Re: Kitten Help... A little convincing? (Rescue an animal today!)
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2009, 12:29:49 PM »
My aunt that lives next door adopted a dog that was abused by the last owner.

Offline Noodles

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Re: Kitten Help... A little convincing? (Rescue an animal today!)
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2009, 01:56:45 PM »
i love kitties.  there fun, playful and cute.  the cat that i know is the MOST friendlies cat i have ever known.  he will rub against you, knock his head into your hand, and will sleep on your bed.  his name is benny.  i always like playing with benny because he just brings so much happiness.  look at my signature to see what cat im talking about. 

Pretty cat... looks like a Birman.

I myself would love to adopt a Bengal.

Offline Nemi

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Re: Kitten Help... A little convincing? (Rescue an animal today!)
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2009, 02:29:01 PM »
Ive had my cat for 6 years, and she have made sad days into  happy days with just being there. she follows me everywhere i go even when i play halo. And when everybody else is mad at me she never is :)

her name is Silver btw  :P

Offline Noodles

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Re: Kitten Help... A little convincing? (Rescue an animal today!)
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2009, 02:41:19 PM »
Ive had my cat for 6 years, and she have made sad days into  happy days with just being there. she follows me everywhere i go even when i play halo. And when everybody else is mad at me she never is :)

her name is Silver btw  :P

WOW! She is reallllly pretty!

Offline RCS

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Re: Kitten Help... A little convincing? (Rescue an animal today!)
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2009, 12:49:53 PM »
Dog owners are bosses, but cat owners are SERVANTS!!  ;D
   Just kidding, I've had both, but prefer dogs because they are more usefull, you can take them camping with you and they go to the bathroom OUTSIDE. I have friends and neighbors that have cats, and you can smell the litter box as soon as you walk into their house.
    Cats are less trouble though, they don't need to be trained, you can go away for a few days and leave them in the house with no ill effects as long as they have food and water, and they can be very lovable , depending on the breed and temperament.
   If you've never had a pet,I strongly recomend reading up on the pros AND cons of ownership. Pets are not a responsibility to take on lightly, if they get sick it can be VERY expensive, and you might be faced with a horrible decision, to put your loved one to sleep because you can't afford to cure it.
   Plus keep in mind that a pet is a LONG TERM COMMITMENT!! Don't forget that many of the animals that you want to rescue were abandoned because their owners moved and couldn't , or just didn't want to keep them. Having a pet will influence your decisions on where you can live and how often and for how long you travel.
    I hope that I've given you some things to ponder before you pick up a pet. It is very easy to be blinded by the nurturing instincts, just keep yourself rooted in the reality that you are taking on the responsibility for  giving your pet a LIFETIME of health and happyness.
Good luck, RCS
« Last Edit: January 20, 2009, 12:54:35 PM by RCS »

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Re: Kitten Help... A little convincing? (Rescue an animal today!)
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2009, 05:30:45 PM »
Cats are an interesting breed that is for sure.
Our kitty only likes to be pet and have attention on her terms.  Well, being our family, we enjoy annoying her and giving extra loves to her displeasure. 
Cats are definitely more independent but can be entertaining and it is true, "they own you."
Best thing is to go to an animal shelter.  If you notice, animals pick you there.  Walk around and interact with them.  One of our dogs picked us that way.  We didn't intend on having another dog, but there she was and ... well.. she is a part of our family that is for sure. 
We volunteer at a shelter and they have a cat room.  It has like 10 kitties that roam and we go in and sit and it's amazing which cat takes to whom, etc.  A great way to just sit and relax too.
As for litter boxes, those are nasty.   Cats know how to go to the bathroom outside too.  We helped ours learn by putting the box outside once she got used to our house.

I love cats and their quirky ways.
...and Jane was smart calling her cat "it".  You never name what you are gonna eat. 
Thanks Fanatic!!

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Offline Noodles

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Re: Kitten Help... A little convincing? (Rescue an animal today!)
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2009, 07:13:08 PM »
   If you've never had a pet,I strongly recomend reading up on the pros AND cons of ownership. Pets are not a responsibility to take on lightly, if they get sick it can be VERY expensive, and you might be faced with a horrible decision, to put your loved one to sleep because you can't afford to cure it.
   Plus keep in mind that a pet is a LONG TERM COMMITMENT!! Don't forget that many of the animals that you want to rescue were abandoned because their owners moved and couldn't , or just didn't want to keep them. Having a pet will influence your decisions on where you can live and how often and for how long you travel.

Oh I has a lil doggy. lol. She's harmless, lazy, and fat.

Best thing is to go to an animal shelter.  If you notice, animals pick you there.  Walk around and interact with them.  One of our dogs picked us that way.  We didn't intend on having another dog, but there she was and ... well.. she is a part of our family that is for sure. 
We volunteer at a shelter and they have a cat room.  It has like 10 kitties that roam and we go in and sit and it's amazing which cat takes to whom, etc.  A great way to just sit and relax too.
As for litter boxes, those are nasty.   Cats know how to go to the bathroom outside too.  We helped ours learn by putting the box outside once she got used to our house.

I attempt, lol. I love Shelter Cats, there many personalities, and you can really tell a lot about them by their body language.

Oh how much id LOVE to volunteer.

Or foster.  :love:

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Re: Kitten Help... A little convincing? (Rescue an animal today!)
« Reply #13 on: January 20, 2009, 09:07:30 PM »

Oh I has a lil doggy. lol. She's harmless, lazy, and fat.
   If your dog is fat, you aren't getting enough exercise   :LOL:   
   And on a more controversial topic, please don't let your cat roam . If you are around animal shelters,  you have probably heard this before, but if not, ask and they should tell you all the reasons why not. There are too many for me to list.



The pound puppies we saved from death row last year. :)

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Re: Kitten Help... A little convincing? (Rescue an animal today!)
« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2009, 07:52:16 PM »
And on a more controversial topic, please don't let your cat roam . If you are around animal shelters,  you have probably heard this before, but if not, ask and they should tell you all the reasons why not. There are too many for me to list.

My neighbors cat roams. He does lovely on his own. You cant confine him to a room by himself, because he suffers from seperation anxiety, and stresses himself out WAY to much.

But, for  me. I'd have to see how it goes. I'd confine the kitten to a medium sized room, like our laundry room. Then after awhile, see how he/she interacts with our dog. Then let him/her explore a little more ground, like one floor, and we'll see how that works... THEEEEN we'll see how the kitten does in the whole house. Just a little change at a time, so the kitten wont stress.
