
Author Topic: Quality Control Issues on the Wii  (Read 1620 times)

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Quality Control Issues on the Wii
« on: October 30, 2009, 12:57:30 AM »
Well I originally was typing this to give some advice on buying Wii games in another thread. Quickly however I realized I had written a whole lot and had gotten way off topic so I decided to make a thread about it. Please post your feelings, opinions, experiences on the topic below.  :LOL: I guess I've been kinda frustrated by this for a while and my fingers knew what my brain did not, I wanted to talk about it, to get the word out.  :LOL:

Nintendo has really embraced the casual fan base which is fine by me. What isn't fine by me is their drop in quality control.

Back in the days of the N64, developers new they had to approach Nintendo only if they had something really polished and finished. Now however things have changed, almost anyone can make a Wii game, put it on a disc, send it to Nintendo and slap a $59.99 (CAN) price tag on it. Many many many many (i can not put enough manys) times  i have been disappointed by a Nintendo licensed game. And every time it hurts to feel that Nintendo would allow this.

Now I don't want to be tagged as a Nintendo hater, I love my Wii. I have more fun playing Nintendo Produced Games than any shooter I will play ever. Games like; Metroid Prime 3 Corruption, Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, Super Mario Galaxy (<---although easy), Super Smash Brothers Brawl and all the WiiSports, WiiPlay....etc ( I have them all, the only one that disappointed me was WiiMusic which for some reason, everytime I play it makes me want to turn it off and play GuitarHero  :XD:) and many more.

 If you go into a Gaming Store, on the Shelves you will see many many games on the Wii that you don't see on the other consoles. Admittedly that is in part to the unique motion control, but largely b/c on the Ps3 or 360 most of these games would pass as $10 downloadable games.

I'm not sure what has cause this change. Is it Nintendo's sudden huge wealth resulting in sales from the casual fanbase resulting that they just no longer care? Or sometimes i think they are taking advantage of the young Wii players who see a cool box and buy the game, I've literaly seen this first hand with my little brother. He buys a game that looks cool, plays it once, discovers that the developers did not really complete the finishing process, then gets tired of it and ends up with his savings gone, and reverting back to playing the computer, LittleBigPlanet or good ole Brawl.

I'm not a fanboy, and I'm not saying that Nintendo is bad in any way, shape or form, but i must admit that I have only ever regretted a purchase once for my PS3  ( and that was because the controls were awful, my fault I impulse bought and didn't read the review.)
Unfortunately I cannot say the same about the Wii. Trade-In places realize this as well. They will only give about $2-5 (CAN) for most third party Wii games that you payed $60 for. As I mentioned above however, when Nintendo makes a game (not a third party but made by Nintendo) you are guaranteed to have a top notch gaming experience. Also, stick with franchises you know, motions controls make the classic franchises excellent.

Now, I read reviews before every purchase, I highly recommend this, if you don't know where to Go for reviews for all systems please PM me and I'll let you know the ones I use.

Thanks for your time,
Please post your feelings, opinions, experiences on the topic below.

( Who is forever in wait for the next Zelda/Mario/Metroid game. )

Well I best be getting some rest after that one  ^^!

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Re: Quality Control Issues on the Wii
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2009, 02:32:54 AM »
Ah yes liam i would tend to agree
I always avoid 3rd party games that have not got good reviews if im interested in them, cause i find that they will be dissapointing. this can be said about any consloe nowadays, nit just the wii i think.
Also I would like to say that when nintendo go make a game it wll be the most awsome thing you have ever played :)
I am also very paitently waiting on metriod other m, red steel 2, ( i liked red steel 1 :P)  the new zelda and  mario games, and hopefully a new F-Zero game ( F- ZERO FTW!)
in the meantime guys, if you need to play a good nintendo game go and get the metriod prime trilogy. it is awsome even if you have played all 3 because prime 1 was pure awsome :)

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Re: Quality Control Issues on the Wii
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2009, 07:43:53 AM »
JANE would approve of your verbose posts :)

PS: If you're looking for the next Mario game...New Super Mario Bros for the Wii, end of story :)

Thank you Tanger!

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Re: Quality Control Issues on the Wii
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2009, 11:10:50 PM »
I'm hoping to get New Super Mario Bros. Wii for Christmas. Recently I've been playing through Super Mario Galaxy to get all the stars so I can unlock Luigi. Right now I have around 85 I think so I still have a ways to go.

I just wish the droughts on the Wii weren't as long. I also wish Nintendo would drop the prices on the first party games after a year has gone by. I have another wish too: that Nintendo would help other 3rd party developers advertise their games!! Too many third parties claim their games won't sell on the Wii by pointing their finger at some crappy game they made years ago that didn't sell at all because they never advertised it.
